Barney and Buddy
A/C Ch. Brymar's Blazing Saddle
Sire: A/C Ch. Cambrian's Johnny Be Good "Johnny"
Dam: A/C Ch. Cambrian's Divine Madness A/C CD TT
Buddy finished by 15 months with both majors from the puppy classes. Pictured right is Buddy winning a Best Of Opposite Sex in Specialty over specials from the classes under breeder judge Dr. Carmen LoParo

Buddy was co-owned with James Stempka and semi-retired with Jan Perryman

BISS A/C/Bda Ch. Brymar's Quantum Leap
Sire: Ch. Cambrian's Shadow Boxer
Dam: A/C Ch. Brymar's Pretty Woman
DOB Aug 29, 1992
Barney was with me in Canada when I met Thom at a dog show and the rest is history. Barney was my first multi-Group Winner was # 6 Springer in 1995.
He was also Best In Specialty Show at the Bytown English Springer Spaniel Specialty.