David and Thom's Dog Show Judging

My First AKC Best In Show!
On Sept. 10th, 2015 I was honoured to award my very first Best In Show at an American Kennel Club Show.
The winner was a very striking German Shepherd
South Africa 2012
We had a tremendous time judging in South Africa. Also had time to enjoy a couple private reserves near Johannesburg and Kruger National Park.
What an experience. I put some of our photos together in this video.
It is easier to view directly on Utube though. South Africa video on Utube

A stunning toy bitch taking BOB at the Poodle Specialty.
The best of variety Miniature and Standard.

David's Saluki- Winner of a very competitive hound group, over 100 entries.
Thom's Best In Show Winning Newfoundland

Thom's Best Puppy in Show Maltese
Bogota 2012

Thom' s Best Puppy in Show -Long Haired Chihuahua

David's Best Puppy in Show - Boxer

David's Best Junior in Group - Briard
David`s Best Junior in Show - Norfolk Terrier

Thom`s Best In Show - Fila Brasiliaro

David`s Reserve Best Junior - Akita

Thom`s Best In Show - Fila Brasiliaro

Dog Show Judging
Thom and David have the pleasure of being able to judge many outstanding dogs from around the world.
We meet incredible people with similar interests and enjoy seeing new places and sometimes even new breeds.
Our thanks to those who have honoured us by showing your dogs to us and to the clubs who have hired us.
Thom is an All Breeds judge and David judges all Sporting, Hound and Toy breeds and is working on the Terrier group.
Bogota Colombia 2010

Semarang Indonesia October 2010

We have had the opportunity to judge in Mexico many times. The hospitality is incredible and the sportsmanship outstanding. Always a pleasure.
This was our latest trip to Campeche:

We will be returning to Mexico later this month.

English Springer Nationals 2008
What a honor to judge at the National Specialty. I had an outstanding entry and loved every moment. Thank you all.