It is early in the year to promise exactly what we will have for sale this year but check out what we have offered in the past and feel free to drop us a line to see what is coming up. I will try to post as more becomes available.

In the past few years we have tried to hatch as many Guinea fowl as possible as to help with the ever growing tick population control. Drop me a line and I can tell you if we will have keets (chicks) available and when the timing would be for pick up of day olds for you to raise. Adults as seldom available and would tend to wander whereas raising your own young would keep them staying home and working the areas they live in.
Muscovy Ducks - I currently have several male muscovy ducks available for breeding, pets, insect control or the dinner table. $25 each.
Taking orders now for Thanksgiving and Christmas Turkeys
We are always hearing that these farm raised free range turkeys are the best people have ever had. There is a huge difference in taste, texture and how they cook. Orders your today.
Weights range from 12-25 lbs and are -$3.95 lb.
or call 613-382-1123

Purebred Border Leicester Lambs (currently none available)
Great growth rate and exceptional mothers.