Prelude Boys
Here are the "studly" boys of Prelude past, present and future.
"Shooter" BIS BISS Am/ Can/ Bda Champion Prelude N EJ's Six Shooter MW

Shooter really helped put Prelude on the map. He was the top Mini Wire in Canada for five years. He was also a top ten hound he was also a multi group winning dog in the US. He made several appearances at Westminster always one of the last minis standing. He was a Best in Show dog in both Canada and Bermuda. He is now retired and living the good life in Michigan with Susie and John Phillips of Sujon Dachshunds.

"Maverick"- BISS Am/Can/ Int'l Ch. Prelude N EJ's Maverick MW

Maverick is a Shooter son and still lives and plays here at Prelude. At 10 years old he is still siring outstanding puppies. He is a joy to have around and plants kisses every time I pick him up. His cheery demeanour is passed on to his kids.
He started his winning ways as a puppy and breezed through his titles with many wins under breeder judges.

"Pio" - PioMW della Zerlina -Our Italian Import

Many thanks to Marie-Lisa Zanmatti from Roma for allowing this boy to come and live with us. Thom and I had visited Marie-Lisa's home and took a red girl to her and then returned the following year to bring home Pio. Working with a new set of genes and old European bloodlines allowed us to create an even more well rounded dachshund. Although Pio is pointed in a brief show career his main focus is creating pretty and sweet puppies every chance he gets. You can easily spot a Pio offspring.
"Crosby" - Champion Prelude's Gold Medalist MW

The youngster growing up and waiting his turn in the ring and with the ladies. Pictured at 5 months. Crosby finished his Championship and was lucky enough to go live in Florida with his new owner Diane.