Our Springer Boys

Buddy continues his winning ways in 2016. With only a couple weekends of showing he has risen to the Top Male Springer in Canada. He is American/Canadian Grand Champion & UKC Champion Bryden's Walk The Line. He retired from campaigning at the Caledon shows in December with a Group 2 under Kimberly Meredith Cavanna and qualified for Crufts. He also picked up another Best In Show and a "Best of the Best" when he returned to the UKC venues. We look forward to his offspring following in his footsteps.

This is Mike.
Champion Bryden's Magic Mike.
Sired by Grand Ch. Segre's Brown Derby RA BN OA OAJ
out of Jessie
Am/Can Ch. Bryden's Walk On The Wild Side A/C CD A/C RN CGC
Mike lives with Master Groomer Ann Curran and enjoys the competition and pampering.

This is Jack, A/C Champion Bryden's Jacks Are Wild.

Jack as a young adult:

"Buddy" - Champion Bryden's Walk The Line
Finishing easily as a puppy in one week including 3 Best Puppy in Shows. Best in All Breed Sweeps, Best Puppy at the ESSCC Nationals, Best in Sweeps ESSCC Nationals, RWD ESSCC Nationals.
Buddy has since completed his American Championship and Grand Championship and is one of Canada's Top Springers taking the Breed every day of the Nationals weekend and BOS at the 2013 ESSCC Nationals. He was BOB at the 2012 Nationals. He also won the Dallas Fort Worth Springer Specialty in 2013.

"Willie" Bryden's Waltz Across Texas TD TDX
Willie is in the very capable hands of Deb Maheu and Ed Presnall. Which is why he has accomplished his Tracking Dog and Tracking Dog Excellent titles before he was one year old.
He also has a major win from the puppy class during a specialty weekend and pointed in Canada as well while he works on his VST title.

Mikey: Bryden's Magic Mike
Our new puppy out of our Jessie bred to Ch. Segre's Brown Derby RA BN OA OAJ

We have high hopes for this young boy.

Recently passed in early 2011, Sam will leave a lasting effect on the breed through his offspring.
Sam A/C Ch. Bryden's Full Monty ROMX,our oldest will be remembered for producing some outstanding offspring in relatively few litters. He is a National Register of Merit Excellent (ROMX) with more than a dozen Champion offspring.
Here he is winning an Award of Merit at the English Springer Spaniel Club of Canada Nationals and one of his many group placements making him a Top Five springer in 2001.

Sam's top winning offspring include:
BIS BISS A/C Ch. Karmadi Madam President "Madam" Top winning sporting dog in the US and Top 5 All Breed.

Another Daughter here at home is BISS A/C/ Int'l Ch. Bryden's Born To Bee Wild, "Geri" won the ESSCC Nationals in 2009 as a veteran. She began her show career with multiple Best Puppy in Show awards and was the Number One Puppy and Top Female in Canada for 2001. Bred to some outstanding sires she has many champion offspring. See more of Geri on our girls page.

Another favorite Sam daughter of mine is BISS A/C Ch. Karmadi's Pet Detective, "Cagney" was the winner of the 2010 ESSCC Nationals.

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