Springer Girls
No breeding program can be built without the strength of the girls. Bryden English Springer Spaniels is working on it's 8th Generation of sound and healthy offspring from a select group of incredible girls.
Teddy - American /Canadian Champion Bryden's Black Orchid
Teddy recently finished her American Championship with another major win and followed up with a Select Bitch Major win towards her Grand Championship.

Current Girls
Jessie - American Canadian International Champion
Bryden's Walk On The Wild Side A/C CD Am. RN

Jessie is a proven producer. She along with her two sons Buddy - Ch. Bryden's Walk The Line and Crosby - Ch. Bryden's Anything Goes, placed third in Brood Bitch at the 2011 US Nationals

Pictured here with the boys father Ch. Vistah's Navy

Jessie was bred to Derby-
Ch. Segre's Brown Derby RA BN OA OAJ
Litter born May 11th 2013 - 3 boys and 3 girls

"Bobbie" American Grand Champion Canadian Champion Bryden's I Have A Dream
Bobbie lives with co-owner Lori Dilorenzo in Louisiana and is having a great time playing in and out of the ring. Recently her daughter "Sparkle" completed her American Championship from the puppy classes.

"Ashley" Bryden's Pretty Woman
Ashley is just getting started with her co-owner Deb Brummel.
Ashley was Best Puppy at the 2012 ESSCC Nationals

The "young one" being expertly handled by Chris Pollen